Hospitals Urology and Related Oncology B

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Bath & North East Somerset PCT

Barking & Dagenham PCT

Barnet PCT

Barnsley PCT

Bassetlaw PCT

Bedfordshire PCT

Berkshire East PCT

Berkshire West PCT

Birmingham east & North PCT

BIRMINGHAM, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Blackburn with Darwen PCT

Blackburn Royal Hospital, Lancashire

Blaenau Gwent LHB

Blackpool PCT

Bolton PCT

Bournemouth & Poole PCT

Bournemouth and Poole Teaching PCT

Bradford & Airedale Teaching PCT

Brent Teaching PCT

Bridgend LHB

Brighton & Hove PCT

Bristol Haematology & Oncology Centre

BRISTOL, North - NHS Trust

Bristol North PCT

Bristol PCT

Bristol Royal Hospital for Children

Bristol Royal Infirmary

Bristol South & West PCT

Bristol Teaching PCT

BRISTOL, United - NHS Trust

Bromley PCT

Buckinghamshire PCT

Bury PCT

BUPA Hospital Bushey

Burnley General Hospital


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